Case Study - Before
Francine regularly takes minutes for her organisation's team meetings, she has found this to be a stressful situation and worries about not capturing important pieces of information. After every meeting she has scribbled pages and pages of notes which later she will have to decipher so they can be signed off by the Chair. The process is long and arduous and intrudes heavily on her other work duties.
Francine attended our Minute Taking training, on the course she learned about the different types of minutes that she could actually take. She realised that she has been producing discussion minutes whereby action minutes might be more suitable. This is something she could discuss with the Chair. She learned a variety of short-form which would enable her to improve the speed of her writing and having a key so she doesn't have to decipher her writing.
Case Study - After
Francine felt far more confident in her ability to take effective minutes. She was able to speak to her manager to find out the type of minutes she had to produce. This allowed her to actively listen to the meetings more intently and to discern between the relevant and irrelevant parts. She understood the 3 stage process of a meeting which improved her planning. Creating her own short-form allowed her to improve the speed of her writing which gave her vital seconds to concentrate on the meeting itself.
Francine felt far more confident in her job, she had the ability to speak with the Chair and make her own contributions to meetings. She felt less stress and rushed. Whereby the process of writing up the minutes would take 2-3 hours it now took only 1 hour which allowed her to focus on other important duties.
If you have any questions regarding our training courses then please feel free to call us on 01656 737349 from Monday to Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Or access the contact from below.