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Chair People - 5 Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make
Posted by R. Thomas
By avoiding these common mistakes, you can run effective meetings with confidence and professionalism.
Minute Takers - 5 Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make
Posted by R. Thomas
By avoiding these common mistakes, you can produce accurate, clear, and effective meeting minutes that serve their intended purpose.
Why People Fear Public Speaking
Posted by R. Thomas
There are many reasons why people get nervous about public speaking. Find out here the 5 most common reasons.
Top 10 Skills that Employers Look For
Posted by R. Thomas
In today's job market, employers are constantly seeking candidates with a specific set of skills that align with the demands of their industry.
Building Rapport
Posted by R. Thomas
Rapport building is the process of establishing a connection, understanding, and harmony with another person. It is a fundamental skill in building and maintaining relationships, both personal and professional.
Communication Breakdown: Jargon
Posted by R. Thomas
Jargon refers to specialised terminology or language used by people in a particular profession or industry that is often difficult for outsiders to understand.
Understanding Tone of Voice
Posted by R. Thomas
Tone of voice refers to the way in which a person speaks, including their pitch, volume, intonation, rhythm, and emphasis.
Using a Flipchart
Posted by R. Thomas
Have a title page (possibly with your name on as well) and leave it until you are ready to use the chart so as not to distract. Pre-prepare some pages so you don't keep people waiting - especially if using diagrams.
Using a Overhead Projector
Posted by R. Thomas
A professional 'template' with logo or name in each corner looks good. Some acetates can be printed from a computer with a normal inkjet colour printer.
Using a Whiteboard
Posted by R. Thomas
Set up the easel and chart before starting - don't struggle in front of the audience. Bring your own pens - don't rely on the ones at the venue working properly.
Using an Interactive Whiteboard
Posted by R. Thomas
The screen is very like a whiteboard - usually wall mounted - and it can be used just like a normal whiteboard with dry wipe markers.
8 Top Tips for Job Interviews
Posted by R. Thomas
Express yourself clearly with a strong voice and good diction and grammar. Pay close attention to your personal appearance; dress to your advantage.
Job Interview Dress Code
Posted by R. Thomas
Here are some top tips for making a good first impression when undergoing a job interview. An interviewers first impression of you will be on how you look and what you are wearing.
Pre Job Interview Tips
Posted by R. Thomas
If you have been asked to attend a job interview then the means in which you applied for the vacancy (CV, application, etc) must have impressed your potential new employer.
7 Top Tips for Assertiveness
Posted by R. Thomas
Here are 7 top tips for communicating an assertive attitude. Remember that being assertive is about an appropriate expression of your thoughts and feelings. Here are 7 tips to being assertive.
Assertive V Aggressive
Posted by R. Thomas
Aggressive: Uses fear and intimidation to get what they want. Raise their voice when they lose control. Shouts and may accusatory language.
Unassertive Behaviour
Posted by R. Thomas
When we talk about being unassertive we mean acting in an indirect or passive manner. Permitting others to take advantage of you by not taking into consideration your rights.
The Art of Delegation
Posted by R. Thomas
Often those who seem to work the longest and hardest are not necessarily the best performers. Being effective with your time will increase your efficiency and therefore improving your performance.
7 Myths of Time Management
Posted by R. Thomas
Myth: Working longer or harder will get more done. Truth: Work efficiently. Working longer does not necessarily mean you will get more done
Aim & Objectives
Posted by R. Thomas
When developing a session plan for your training you will need to carefully think about the learning objectives for your students. This is a crucial element of training as it will set a structure for you and learners.
Posted by R. Thomas
When developing learning objectives for a teaching/training session we need to ensure that they have SMART words. SMART words are objectives that use active 'doing' verbs like list, state, explain etc etc.
Ground Rules
Posted by R. Thomas
When you are conducting training/teaching then implementing ground rules with your participants is essential. Ground rules can help build up a non-threatening and supportive culture within a training group, which strengthens the relationship between the trainer and the group and group members amongst themselves.
Learning Styles
Posted by R. Thomas
People learn in a great variety of different ways; some learn from reading books, others prefer lecture-based learning, while many of us learn through experiential learning (learning by doing).
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If several people in your organisation have the same learning need, an in-house programme is likely to be the most effective training option.
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