Using a projector in delivering training courses
Posted by Ryan Thomas
Set up in a position where all the audience can see it. Have due regard to Health and Safety i.e. no trailing cables, safe plugs. Darken the room slightly near the screen to aid clarity if possible. Check the projection is reasonably square - angled lights on the OHP can distort the projection area greatly. Use dark coloured OHP pens on the acetate sheets - yellow, orange/pink do not show up well.
When making the acetates, use a sheet of ruled or graph paper underneath to help keep the letters level and well spaced. A professional 'template' with logo or name in each corner looks good. Some acetates can be printed from a computer with a normal inkjet colour printer. Stand next to the screen, not next to the projector so the audience can see both you and the screen in the same visual plane. Leave slides up for about 20 seconds - but switch off if there is a gap between slides so that there is no visual distraction.
Number the slides so that they can always be easily kept in order. Use a sheet of thin card to reveal points line-by-line so the audience is attentive and doesn't read ahead. Always carry a spare bulb and an extension lead!