Using SMART words in when developing training objectives
Posted by Ryan Thomas
When developing learning objectives for a teaching/training session we need to ensure that they have SMART words. SMART words are objectives that use active 'doing' verbs like list, state, explain etc etc. As you will see below 'know' or 'understand' are not included because they do not specify any overt 'doing'.
Specific because...
Measurable because...
Achievable because...
Relevant because...
Timed because...
SMART Explained
Specific: Is the objective precise, detailed and contain no ambiguous language?
Measurable: Can the performance of the objective be observed and measured?
Achievable: Can we get it done in the proposed time frame with the resources and support we have available?
Relevant: Relevant relates to the relationship between the objective and the overall aim of the training.
Timed: When will this objective be accomplished? A specified and reasonable time frame should be incorporated into the objective statement.
Types of SMART words
SMART words can be categorised into knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. This means the difficulty level can be increased to match the level of understanding and experience of your learners by simply changing the active verb. For example simple objectives like list or state can be replaced by examine, evaluate or analyse which would require a greater level of knowledge in which the learner has to apply. These would require a detailed understanding on the particular subject.
Tell, list, describe, relate, locate, write, find, state & name.
Explain, interpret, outline, discuss, distinguish, predict, restate, translate, compare & describe.
Solve, show, classify, illustrate, construct, complete, examine and use.
Analyse, distinguish, examine, compare, contrast, investigate, identify, categorise, explain, separate & advertise.
Create, invent, compose, predict, plan, construct, design, imagine, propose, devise & formulate.
Judge, select, choose, decide, justify, debate, verify, recommend, assess, determine, discuss, rate, argue & prioritise.