Job interview research tips
Posted by Ryan Thomas
If you have been asked to attend a job interview then the means in which you applied for the vacancy (CV, application, etc) must have impressed your potential new employer. Prior to the job interview you must carry out research on the organisation. What do they do? Where do they operate? How were they formed? What departments do they have? etc etc. If the job interviewer asks you these types of questions and you have no answer then what message does it send out? It suggests that you do not really want the job and that you have not fully prepared.
Your interviewer wants to find out which candidate has the skills and personality to fit within their organisation. They also want to see determination and work ethic. Remember that they are interviewing other candidates and you need to make yourself stand out from the others.
It is always best practice to look at the job requirements for that particular vacancy. Did you meet all the requirements? What requirements were you unable to fulfil? Good preparation is essential to success. It is only natural to be nervous before a job interview, the interviewer will expect it, however it is important that these nerves are not detrimental to your interview performance. Relax and answer the questions with good diction and grammar.