Are you being unassertive in the workplace?
Posted by Ryan Thomas
Unassertive behaviour refers to behaviour that involves failing to express one's thoughts, feelings, or needs effectively or directly in a given situation. Individuals who exhibit unassertive behaviour often have difficulty standing up for themselves, saying "no" to others, or expressing their opinions in a direct manner.
Examples of unassertive behaviour include avoiding confrontation, being passive or submissive, failing to speak up when something is bothering them, or apologising excessively. Unassertive behaviour can often lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and low self-esteem, as individuals may feel like they are not being heard or that their needs are not being met. It is important to develop assertiveness skills to effectively communicate and negotiate in various personal and professional situations.
"Do you think it's okay if I take a break now?"
"Would it be too much trouble if you could turn down the music a bit?"
"Do you mind if I share my opinion on this matter?"
"Is it alright if we postpone the meeting to another day?"
"Could I possibly ask for your help with this task?"
These questions may appear polite, but they also indicate a lack of assertiveness because they do not clearly express what the individual wants or needs. Instead, they rely on the other person to make the decision or give permission, which can lead to ambiguity or misunderstandings. To be more assertive, it's important to use clear and direct language that expresses your needs and desires without being aggressive or rude.