Case Study - Before
Carl has been delivering work-based training for the last 2 years, he delivers a variety of courses and enjoys what he does. His delivery has mainly been PowerPoint based, and normally tells the delegates the information they need to know, he then does a question and answer session at the end. However he sometimes feels that the training could be better, towards the end of his sessions the group looks a bit disinterested and there is very little engagement. Carl felt that an accredited train the trainer course would be beneficial for him and his organisation.
On our train the trainer course Carl learnt a variety of new practical skills, including:
Setting ground rules
Learning styles
Writing a lesson plan and developing SMART aims & objectives
Motivating learners
Dealing with difficult training delegates
Case Study - After
After going back to his workplace he started to implement the things he had learnt on the course, he reviewed all of his training and started by developing aims and objectives for each. He then went onto writing a session plan, this allowed him to create set timings and how he was going to deliver the course. He tailored the training so that visual, aural and kinaesthetic learners were catered for. He used formal/informal activities to test understanding throughout, Carl also wanted to see how delegates worked alone and in groups and he did that with the new activities. He immediately saw the difference, delegates were now motivated and engaged in the trainer, the training was properly assessed and evaluated so that he could make future changes. The organisation could also monitor his performance and that of the individual learners.
The fact that Carl started to deliver a higher standard of training had a vast range of benefits. The delegates on the course had better knowledge retention, which improved their individual performance. The training time was used more efficiently than previously due to the structure implemented by Carl. With the assessment added, the organisation could spot possible skill gaps for each employee, this allowed them to review their training needs. For Carl personally he felt more confident about his job role and the evaluation he used allowed him to monitor his own performance.
If you have any questions regarding our training courses then please feel free to call us on 01656 737349 from Monday to Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Or access the contact from below.